"OIL PAINTING"How to paint with oil paint step by step for beginners.Discover the technique of how to make an oil painting step by step.Do you know how to start painting an oil painting and what to start painting first?Learn how to oil paint a complete landscape layered step by step, and how to give acrylic paint from scratch.Learn the simplest technique from home, how to paint a beginner oil painting.Painting a sketch is the first step in starting to paint with any type of paint, and is usually done in charcoal or graphite pencil.Learn to paint with oil in parts:- First you must choose the drawing- Frame composition- Make a preliminary drawing- Preparation layer- Place the layers of colors- start paintingLearn the painting exercises by layers and how to paint watercolor, acrylic... step by step.Techniques and tips to learn to paint in oil easily at home, from the beginning.Free course:. how to paint oil by numbers step by step. videos of how to paint oil for beginners.